PicoContainer 2.9 released.
Paul Hammant
2009-11-02 14:13:54 UTC
Notes -

New (since 2.8.3):
Lifecycle strategy allows for concept of lazy starting. This means
components are started at first access. PICO-355
Regex collecting of components for injection, or just on getComponent
() now built in.
Changes (versus 2.8.3):
Purposeful injection of a Null parameter fixed PICO-364
Small performance improvements for getAdapter/getInstance
Dependencies for Log4J and SLF4J moved forward
Paranamer upgraded to 2.1
Exception in Lifecycle methods bug fixed PICO-363
PicoBuilder able to do more with Lifecycle strategies
Factory Injection improved with an 'InjectInto' type PICO-358


- Paul
