Pico 1.3 and Nano 1.1 releases
Mauro Talevi
2007-03-19 09:53:54 UTC
Dear All,

the Pico/NanoContainer Team is happy to announce the following releases:

PicoContainer 1.3 http://picocontainer.org/Downloads
NanoContainer 1.1 http://nanocontainer.org/Downloads

A major focus of these releases has been the move to Maven 2 and the componentisation of
NanoContainer, NanoWar and NanoPersistence, although some completely new functionality have been
added, notably:

- NanoContainer WebContainer
- NanoWar JSF
- NanoPersistence Hibernate Annotations

The components now make full use of Maven's transitive dependency mechanism.


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Fred Janon
2007-03-19 11:44:35 UTC
Good, but sorry I am new to nano/pico, where are the Hib/JSF/Web
container thingies? I downloaded nano and pico, they aren't in
nanocontainer-distribution-1.1-bin.zip, are they in Pico?

Exciting to see some stuff in Groovy. Is there any example/doc for the
Groovy stuff? Where to start?


Post by Mauro Talevi
Dear All,
the Pico/NanoContainer Team is happy to announce the following
PicoContainer 1.3 http://picocontainer.org/Downloads
NanoContainer 1.1 http://nanocontainer.org/Downloads
A major focus of these releases has been the move to Maven 2 and the componentisation of
NanoContainer, NanoWar and NanoPersistence, although some completely
new functionality have been
- NanoContainer WebContainer
- NanoWar JSF
- NanoPersistence Hibernate Annotations
The components now make full use of Maven's transitive dependency mechanism.
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Mauro Talevi
2007-03-19 13:28:26 UTC
Post by Fred Janon
Good, but sorry I am new to nano/pico, where are the Hib/JSF/Web
container thingies? I downloaded nano and pico, they aren't in
nanocontainer-distribution-1.1-bin.zip, are they in Pico?
They are either in nanocontainer-nanowar or nanocontainer-persistence distributions,
which hold all the web-related and persistence-related artifacts, respectively.
In the downloads page you find links for both.
Post by Fred Janon
Exciting to see some stuff in Groovy. Is there any example/doc for the
Groovy stuff? Where to start?
Best place to start for examples is:
- Test cases: eg

- Examples webapps: eg


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