How to reference Parameter.ZERO with Ruby Builder?
Michael Rimov
2008-11-01 06:13:33 UTC
Hi All,

I've never really played with the Ruby language or builder, but since
I've had compilation performance problems with Groovy, I've been
writing a scripting language comparison test case to get an idea of
where all the different builders stood with each other

However, I've been unable to figure out how to reference
Pararameter.ZERO from Ruby. Currently my test case looks like this:
public void testParameterZero() {
Reader script = new StringReader("" +
"import org.picocontainer.Parametern" +
"n" +
"container{n" +
" component(:class => java.util.ArrayList,
:parameters => Parameter::ZERO)n" +
" component(:class => java.util.HashSet,
:parameters => Parameter::ZERO)n" +
PicoContainer pico = buildContainer(script, null,

However, I get a CyclicDependencyException much as if I hadn't
specified Parameter.ZERO in the first place. Any clues?

Thanks :)
-Mike (R)
Paul Hammant
2008-11-01 18:28:44 UTC
Well the Ruby capability is not as advanced as the Groovy one. Dave
Astels has me on a promise to do some pairing one lunch time to work
through it and make it more idiomatically correct. How's your Ruby
Mike ?

If you're running the same builder script over and over, the JRuby one
should me progressively more preferment.


- Paul
Post by Michael Rimov
Hi All,
I've never really played with the Ruby language or builder, but
since I've had compilation performance problems with Groovy, I've
been writing a scripting language comparison test case to get an
idea of where all the different builders stood with each other
However, I've been unable to figure out how to reference
public void testParameterZero() {
Reader script = new StringReader("" +
"import org.picocontainer.Parameter\n" +
"\n" +
"container{\n" +
" component(:class =>
java.util.ArrayList, :parameters => Parameter::ZERO)\n" +
" component(:class =>
java.util.HashSet, :parameters => Parameter::ZERO)\n" +
PicoContainer pico = buildContainer(script, null,
However, I get a CyclicDependencyException much as if I hadn't
specified Parameter.ZERO in the first place. Any clues?
Thanks :)
-Mike (R)
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